What smart TV apps are available from Deutsche Welle? | FAQs about DW's TV offers | DW | 19.11.2021
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What smart TV apps are available from Deutsche Welle?

With DW for Smart TV, you can enjoy and access our content according to your schedule.

DW for Smart TV is available for free on certain Samsung and LG devices as well as Sony TV platforms, Apple TV and Android TV, Roku and Amazon Fire TV.
Watch live streams of Deutsche Welle’s TV channels: DW English, DW Español, and DW Arabia. There might be restrictions depending on the country you live in.
Watch DW when you prefer—view entire shows or short clips. Create your own playlists or use the auto play feature to watch thematically sorted content.

You can find more information about which devices are supported here.

If you have further questions, please contact us:

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