What should the motivation letter contain? | FAQ | DW | 09.04.2021
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What should the motivation letter contain?

The motivation letter should present convincing arguments for both your interest in our program as well as its relevance to your current professional activities. Furthermore, your motivation for development should be expressed clearly, explaining how the program (and DAAD scholarship) will contribute to your future career and further development of the media sector in your home country.

The formal criteria are max. 700 words, “Arial” font, font size 10 and 1,5 line spacing. The motivation letter should also be dated.

You can address the motivation letter to the Admissions Committee.

International Media Studies: Registrar’s office, Ira Fröhlich and Irene Najjemba

Registrar's office

Mon - Fri | 9 am - 4 pm (UTC+1)

E: ims@dw.com

T:+ 49.228.429-2892

Bewerbungsprozss IMS

Application Process

Applications for the fall intake of the IMS Master's Degree are now closed.