Tools: Construct your podcasting success | Podcasting | DW | 16.04.2024
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Tools: Construct your podcasting success

DW Akademie offers a variety of planning and information tools based on the MethodKit brainstorming and planning cards, which were developed with input from podcasters around the world.

Our tools help you set a solid foundation for your podcast or refine your show as you produce. Our informative guides – in both physical and digital formats – answer common questions about this growing medium. Contact us for more information at

  • MethodKit for Podcasting cards: This deck of 61 cards, each featuring a term relevant to podcasting, helps you develop and produce great podcasts. The cards spark discussions and new ideas while helping podcasters map out a road to success. The kit is available in more than languages, including: Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Burmese, Cantonese, Chichewa, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dari, English, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Kiswahili, Khmer, Korean, Mongolian, Mooré, Olunyole, Oromo, Pashto, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Slovakian, Somali, Spanish, Thai, Tigrinya, Ukrainian, Urdu, Wolof. in both physical and digital formats. Download them here.

The Podcast Kit includes:

  • Format Plan: This planning tool helps you get details down on paper – from title and cover art to target audience, purpose and roles and responsibilities – everything you need to think about when designing and developing your own podcast.
  • Knowledge Guide: Built on the ideas in the MethodKit deck, the guide takes users deeper into the concepts featured on the cards. The guide features questions often asked, helpful tips and traps to avoid.
  • Podcast Wheel: This wheel provides an overview of the whole path to a successful podcast. Use it for inspiration, guidance and reflecting on what still lies ahead.
  • Training Library/Wiki: Developed in collaboration with podcasters and trainers, this resource provides in-depth information on all aspects of podcasting as well as guidance for those leading podcasting workshops.
  • Shared Language: Poster of all the cards included in the Methodkit for Podcasts.
Sprachen des Podcasting

All of the MethodKit for Podcasts cards at glance

For more info, get in touch at