Sign up for PodCircle, DW Akademie’s podcasting newsletter | Podcasting | DW | 08.08.2023
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Sign up for PodCircle, DW Akademie’s podcasting newsletter

Attention current or aspiring podcasters: There’s a newsletter just for you! Register below for monthly info on how to get your idea off the ground or take your show to the next level.

Have you taken part in one of DW Akademie’s PodcasTraining workshops? Are you a podcaster looking to grow your show? Do you have a podcast idea and want information on making it a reality? Do you want to know what other podcasters are doing and how they’re reaching their goals and overcoming obstacles?

If so, you’ll want to sign up below for DW Akademie’s newsletter, PodCircle. It provides practical news and information for current and future podcasters from around the world. The newsletter will also feature podcast producers sharing their insights, their success stories and their challenges.

PodCircle is a place to exchange experiences, learn best practices, discover what others are listening to and get information on tools and techniques that can improve your podcast or help you start developing one. PodCircle goes out once a month via email or instant messenger, whatever platform is best for you.

Also every month, we’re going to link the newsletter to a PodCircle Meet-up, a virtual get-together where you can meet fellow audio enthusiasts and ask questions about topics relevant to you.

We hope you’ll sign up for the newsletter so we can continue building a strong podcasting community – a place where you can explore, learn and connect.

The PodCircle newsletter is part of the PodcasTraining project from DW Akademie and is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

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