Internship Elective | Traineeship | DW | 16.09.2014
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Internship Elective

This is where you have a chance to organize your own internship just about anywhere in the world.

What is an Internship Elective?

We offer several types of journalism training, but sometimes it’s worth thinking outside the box. We therefore enable our trainees to organize a one-month external internship with a media organization of their choice. There are many possibilities, whether that be a radio station, a publishing house, a press office or a production company. You as a trainee would organize the internship yourself and we would advise and support you. In contrast to an internship in Brussels or Washington D.C., however, we would not cover travel and living expenses.

Where can a trainee choose to intern?

It’s up to you. Some trainees decide to do an internship abroad - with CNN, for example, in Atlanta, at a community radio station in Namibia, or an online media outlet in Colombia. Others lean towards the print media, press offices or the local news desks of public broadcasters.

Here are a few examples of where former trainees have completed internships:

• Financial Times, London
• Logo! editorial team (children's TV program) with the German public broadcaster ZDF, Mainz
• i24news, Tel Aviv
• Human Rights Watch press office, Berlin
• "Ansager und Schnipselmann" production company, Düsseldorf
• RBB Brandenburg Aktuell, Potsdam
• "11 Freunde" TV editorial team, Berlin
• Spiegel Online, Hamburg
• "Tagesschau" news team, WDR public broadcaster, Cologne

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