DW magazine '77 Pour Cent – nous, les jeunes d'Afrique' launches November 1 | DW's press releases | DW | 01.11.2023
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DW magazine '77 Pour Cent – nous, les jeunes d'Afrique' launches November 1

Together with its Senegal-based distribution partner Label TV, DW has produced ten episodes of its popular format "The 77 Percent" in French. The magazine is oriented towards young people in Africa.

77 percent of the population in Africa is under the age of 35 – a statistic that provides the title for "The 77 Percent". The DW format has been giving them a voice since 2017 with radio features and videos on demand, produced by correspondents on the continent and that are available in six languages, including French. Episodes of the 26-minute magazine have so far been available in English, Portuguese and Hausa, with the French season of "77 Pour Cent" now the latest addition.

"I am delighted that we are producing a program for a young francophone audience," says Fréjus Quenum, who heads the DW French for Africa editorial team together with Dirke Köpp. "77 Pour Cent is well thought-out; it combines information, entertainment and education. We don't shy away from difficult topics – but we are careful not to destroy young people's ability to innovate. We want to be a source of inspiration and motivation for young Africans."

In features, interviews and discussions, the format deals with migration, cyberbullying, career prospects, social and political participation, love, innovation – and thus often with topics that are considered taboo. The magazine is hosted by Senegalese journalist Penda Silla (Label TV).

Stills DW Sendung | Penda Silla 77 Pour Cent“

Journalist Penda Silla hosts the new magazine.

The videos of Les 77 Pour Cent focus on digital platforms. Claus Stäcker, Director of Programs for Africa: "We are delighted that there is so much interest in a young TV and VoD format in French-speaking Africa. The 77 Percent is catching on, the young target group trusts the DW brand and is very open to discussion. But we have to keep recalibrating the right media mix. TV is still growing in Africa, but with the cost for internet access dropping, more and more young people want to watch our videos on demand – on their mobile phones, tablets or notebooks."

"The Distribution Africa team is very happy that the French-language version of our DW format ‘The 77 Percent’ is getting started. Our Senegal-based partner Label TV or, more precisely, the company's CEO Mactar Silla and his highly motivated, professional team have, in cooperation with DW French for Africa and the 77 Percent editorial team, made the new language version their own; a West African one," says Tanja Suttor-Ba, Distribution Africa. "Label TV has been broadcasting Africa-related DW content in French and English since Silla founded the station in 2017. Distribution Africa and the partner are proud to see that, with 'Les 77 Pour Cent' a production is going on air that they were involved in."

The new season is available on demand on the DW 77 Pour Cent YouTube channel.

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