Cambodia: Equal free expression for men and women? | Publications | DW Akademie | DW | 14.03.2022
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Cambodia: Equal free expression for men and women?

Are young men and women in Cambodia equal in terms of freedom of expression and access to information? DW Akademie asked young Cambodian media workers for their opinions.

Media trainers of the Cambodian Center for Independent Media in Phnom Penh, a DW Akademie partner

Media trainers of the Cambodian Center for Independent Media in Phnom Penh, a DW Akademie partner

As part of the Cambodian project "Youth Voices Matter!", funded by the European Union, DW Akademie and its partners took a survey among young people to see if they thought men and women had equal access to information and if women could express their opinions as freely as men.

One of the project's key goals is to strengthen the concepts of freedom of expression and access to information among Cambodian youth, particularly young women.

To do so successfully, it was important to find out: To what extent is there gender equality? Do young women and men have the same opportunities to access information and express themselves, and if so – do they make use of them in an equal manner? If not, what might be necessary to change this?

The results of this gender study are available for download below as an executive summary, both in English and Khmer.

Youth Voices Matter! is being implemented by the national partners Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) and Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia (WMC), together with DW Akademie. Third parties are the Khmer Youth Association (KYA) and Youth Council of Cambodia (YCC). The project runs until the end of 2022.

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