Armenia: Sign up for our newsletter "European Media Facility in Armenia"! | Europe/Central Asia | DW | 28.12.2022
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Europe/Central Asia

Armenia: Sign up for our newsletter "European Media Facility in Armenia"!

Please subscribe here to stay informed about independent Armenian media.

Are you a journalist, investigative specialist, fact-checker or media manager? A young professional or a student? Or are you just curious about Armenia's media in general?

Then sign up for our new monthly bulletin “European Media Facility in Armenia”! The newsletter offers ongoing opportunities as well as updates from DW Akademie and our partners on the ground. It also looks at success stories: at the development of local media skills for journalists and the creation of reliable, verified information within Armenia's media industry.

This newsletter is part of DW Akademie’s efforts to help professionalize independent Armenian media and to support them in becoming financially sustainable. Our projects aim to enhance their abilities and to support quality content production through the latest multimedia channels.

“European Media Facility in Armenia” will be available soon and published monthly in English and Armenian. Our regular updates will give you a chance to take part in our fact-checking community, capacity-building program and efforts to highlight environmental issues. You will also get to know our local and regional media partners and learn more about their success stories and achievements.

The project “European Media Facility in Armenia – Building Sustainable and Professional Media” is being implemented by DW Akademie in cooperation with BBC Media Action, Open Society Foundation - Armenia, Hetq/ Investigative Journalists NGO, and Factor TV. It is funded by the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

This newsletter was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content shares the sole responsibility of DW Akademie and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.